Thursday, January 08, 2009

Live Coverage of the Israeli Palestinian war

...continues as we go on to give you updates.

The time is 9.00am and all the soldiers are fresh. The Palestinians look particularly relaxed and are laughing out loud at blonde jokes. They are particularly taken up by the shock 1-0 win of Derby over Manchester United.

The Israeli army though looking strong, seem a bit uncertain and unnerved by the whole scenario.

Their Commander in Chief is still with his generals considering how to deal with the threat posed by the Palestinians. As we all know, this is Nevender, live in Socoh east of Bethlehem. It is forty days since Goli Ath, the Palestinian Commander made his challenge to the Israeli's but up to now, there has been no response.

(Aside...receiving a call) What? Wha... hold on! This just in: a David of Jesse, 17 years old has taken on the challenge of Goli Ath. Live pictures are coming to you in a moment...and there he is! Dressed up in the brass armour that we all know belongs to the Commander in Chief.

We are still trying to ascertain more details..but wait..the boy, David is returning to the Commander's tent. Must be to receive last minute instructions on the battle ahead. However, we are all in shock, in utter disbelief at the turn of events. Why hasn't the Commander in Chief himself gone to fight? No one can tell. Yes the Palestinian champion Goli Ath is several sizes bigger than Saul, but he is the Commander in Chief! He should risk his own life, not some little kid's..!!?

This is sad. It is surely going to be a sad day for Israel. Stay with us as we continue coverage...

Back on the scene.
Goli Ath has just received the news and is laughing uncontrollably; he leads the entire Palestinian army into a bout of laughter as he shows off his huge armour. Saul's armour will not stand against this, especially with a boy putting it on.

And here we see David! Gosh! Cannot believe my eyes; David has emerged from the tent. However, he has done so without Saul's armour. Does he think this is some adolescent joke? Well, no one's laughing, not even him. All he carries is his staff, a sling and leather bag.

He is scouring for pebbles as he moves towards the giant. Something is wrong with this picture...I hope he doesn't want to engage the soldier from Gath in a game of duulu*. Well he continues, putting some in the bag, dropping others.

From my counting, he has put five smooth pebbles in the bag and now approaches Goli Ath. The two are now facing each other although several meters from each other. Goli Ath seems to be saying something to the boy...wait, we have it...
"Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks? Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field."

If I were David, I would plead for mercy now...yet he says something back:

"You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of Jehovah of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Jehovah will deliver you into my hand today, and I will strike you and take your head from you and give the bodies of the army of the Philistines to the birds of the air today, and to the wild beasts of the earth, so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this multitude shall know that Jehovah does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is Jehovah's, and He will give you into our hands. "

This boy David has oversized courage.

As Goli Ath readies his spear, David runs towards him, removing a pebble from his bag and putting it in his sling then hurling it at the giant.

Viewers, this is unbelievable.

[softly]The giant has been hit between the eyes by the pebble which David threw and has stopped moving....

Oh my God...he is falling, he has fallen! David is running quickly to him...He retrieves the giant's spear....he is aiming for the neck......[signal lost]


Today's verse: Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled in but a little time. Blessed are all who put their trust in Him.Psalm 2:12


Anonymous said...

surely u must feel a bit sympathethic towards the gazans, its women and children dying remember, never mind they are descendants of Goliath. Philistine and Palestine sound much alike are they one and the same?

And I'll have the woollen ones.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how he didnt turn to kiss the girl, then make a show of cutting off his head...Like they do in movies... :-)

Unknown said...

Disclaimer: in no way making any reference to the on going siege on gaza. Just a Bible story I imagine in a reporter's lens.

lulu said...

that war is breaking my heart