Tuesday, November 25, 2008

E-mail hysteria

Still waiting .......
I did what you told me...
I sent your last email to 10 people like you said.
I'm still waiting for that friggin' miracle to happen ...


Anonymous said...

i was here first, and no i was not waiting for that miracle, there are other ways to get it other than email

Anonymous said...

:) Nev..that was wicked!!!

Tandra said...

((falls off chair laughing)))

Petite Femme said...

LMAO...u follow those rules? Dude, U're so off my list.

Anonymous said...

lousy chain emails.

Emi's said...

hahahaha Nev, did not think you'd sell yo self to those bu email things....

Anonymous said...

Hehehe...people pliz, that was a lil humour for y'all! I am not the man on that desk. Someone sent that thing to my mail and it was the first forward I have ever truly loved...hehe!!

Ugandan girl said...


Anonymous said...


hehe...wama send it to me too

Anonymous said...


I'm your miracle! I'm the 10th commenter!

LOL! Keep waiting!

lulu said...

you are on multiple too?

Unknown said...

Yes Lulu, I am on multiply as well.
Petesmama I still am waiting!
Eddsla just send me your email and soon...you will be waiting too.