Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Femignly* tricked??- re-explained.

Seeing not so many understood the post, I will make it short and simple.

This girl, known her for more than a year now. I always liked her, and I guess I showed it. So on Friday we exchanged series of texts that pretty much brought to the surface my care for her. This girl scares me; when I send her poetry, she simply says, "oh that is nice"; without much ado.

In the communication, I ended up doing most of the saying how i feel while her on the other hand, received and made no appropriate feedback. Anyway, her text got me thinking. Was she saying she was being in love with me, or she really was just being a nice Christian girl. "Jesus is in love with me who in turn is in love with you."

I made up my mind that day, I knew she felt the same. So I would go to her the next day and confirm that what she felt I too felt. I bought a rose on my way to her place. (She is a campuser).

When I reached she wasn't at her place so had to in the meanwhile talk with her room-mate as well as keep the room-mate from knowing I had a rose. When she finally came, I was of course happy to see her and deep in my heart I knew she felt the same. So in the interest of time, because this was around 7:30pm, I asked her to give me a push and then told her we would take a walk around campus.

So we first talked about stuff, godly stuff, then when I sensed the time was right, I told her how I felt. To my surprise, she feigned dismay!! Why do I say that? Coz the texts I had sent her before that were clear enough and the way I talked with her should have been obvious for a girl.

My brother cum best friend cum cousin tells me she was playing on my head. And I was too silly to notice. That she is just being a woman, setting up situations and leading me to the hunt.

She said she would pray about it. All the while, my red rose remained unrevealed upto this day where it darkens on my window. It is not drying up, just becoming redder, and smelling fouler.

I am in suspense.

So, friends. What say ye noble men and women


King said...

LOL. Dude, you're story is so confusing, but all the best man, I hope she accepts.

Keep your head up and Abba bless.


Tandra said...

totally agree with Solomon.. about your story being confusing..

As to your qn if you were tricked, I dont know this girl so i cant really say.. but statements like that can really be misleading and usually go not the way you wish them to.

Princess said...

This real or feigned, Nev?

Emi's said...

????? same page

Unknown said...

Sorry for the confusion, I will better it.

Tandra, would you say such a thing to a guy?

Princess, you think I am lying?

Princess said...

Well, that's a tough nut to crack! :-)
She could be seriously disinterested or just playing 'hard to get.'
Hmm. What to go with?
Ooops. I'm not helping, am I? :D

Princess said...

For your heart's safety, I'd say go with the frmer and not the latter.

Unknown said...

Seriously disinterested? (ouch!!!)


[blank stare]

jny23 said...

Yu are on the right track dont give up now.
The fact that she accepted to take a walk round campus with u and doesnt complain abt the texts, i must say yo in business.
Just do yo thing and don't try to rush anything.
Gals nowadays tell yu off on the 1st day if they aren't interested.

Unknown said...

Thanks jny23, I will keep watching.