Sunday, October 22, 2006

Away from you

Away from you
Unbound by you,
Untouched by you
Unshackled from you.

Away from you
From the scales on my eyes
From the dust on my skin
From the pain in my heart.

Breathing lightly again,
I can quench my need
For the fullness of the smell
Of the air that I breathe.

Laughing again,
I can stare at roses and lilies
And gape at butterflies
Without hurrying on with life.

Away from you
Alive anew,
My heart glows love
Away from you O World.

1 comment:

Iwaya said...

I'm so glad you're back. i was beginning to wonder if this hiatus was to e cause for worry: like you have given up blogging for good.

this frame of mind suits you so much better, i must say!