Monday, October 29, 2012

The Pilgrim Church

I am currently reading The Pilgrim Church by E.H Broadbent. Here's a brief background

"The author of this book, believing that the teaching given by the Apostles to the first Christians contained principles of permanent validity, gave himself to many years of exhaustive research in the realm of Church history, convinced that there has never been a generation without simple local congregations of believers existing who succeeded in maintaining these principles. His studies amply justified thw work involved, while exposing the Ecclesiastical Establishment of the centuries that persistently opposed the whole idea of local independent churches.

Known by different names in various countries, these communities kept the faith, frequently at great cost to themselves, but because of their virile witness to the basic truths of the gospel they were never completely extinguished, whatever they had to endure. The story makes clear the vital difference between mere institutional Christianity and the gatherings of evangelical believers who rejoiced in bearing only the name of 'Christian'.

Mr. Broadbent spent a great part of his life in travelling many parts of Europe, founding and establishing churches that held to the Apostolic principles. This record emphasises elements of truth that will not neccessarilybe found in the average handbook on Church history - and that the principles are workable is seen by the existence all over the modern world of local churches that are courageously observing them."

I am glad to be apart of this minor groups. It's a call to total faith.

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